Default usage

Use $(selector).maxlength(); to enable maxlength.

Change the threshold value

Use threshold option to show up when there are 20 chars or less

Few options

Use warningClass option to change default badge color and limitReachedClass option to change the badge after limit reached.

All the options

Use preText option to prepend text, postText option to postpend text and separator option to add a seperator in between max and min length .

What about textareas?


Position Top Left

Use placement: top-left to align badge at the top left corner.

Position Top

Use placement: top to align badge at the top.

Position Top Right

Use placement: top-right to align badge at the top right corner.

Vertically Center Position Left

Use placement: left to align badge at the left corner.

Vertically Center Position Right

Use placement: right to align badge at the right corner.

Position Bottom Left

Use placement: bottom-left to align badge at the bottom left corner.

Position Bottom Right

Use placement: bottom-right to align badge at the bottom right corner.

Position Bottom

Use placement: bottom to align badge at the bottom corner.