Custom Checkbox

These are Theme Custom checkboxes.

Use .new-control, .new-checkbox with label tag, .new-control-input with input type="checkbox" inside the label and .new-control-indicator with span tag inside the label to create theme custom checkboxes.


Use .checkbox-* class to change different colors.

Default Rounded

Use .new-checkbox-rounded class to create checkboxes rounded.

Default Classic

Use .new-checkbox-classic class to create checkboxes squares.


Use .checkbox-outline-* class to create checkboxes outlined and change different colors.

Outline Rounded

Use .new-checkbox-rounded class to create checkboxes rounded.

Outline Classic

Use .new-checkbox-classic class to create checkboxes squares.

Default Line Through

Use .new-checkbox-line-through class to create line through when checkbox is checked.

Rounded Line Through

Use .new-checkbox-rounded class to create line through when checkbox is checked

Classic Line Through

Use .new-checkbox-classic class to create line through when checkbox is checked

Custom Radio

These are Theme Custom Radio.

Use .new-control, .new-radio with label tag, .new-control-input with input type="radio" inside the label and .new-control-indicator with span tag inside the label to create theme custom radio.


Use .radio-* class to change different colors.


Use .radio-classic-* class to make classic.


Use .square-radio class to make squares.

Default Line Through

Use .new-radio-line-through class to create line through when checkbox is checked.

Classic Line Through

Use .radio-classic-* class to create line through when checkbox is checked.

Square Line Through

Use .square-radio class to create line through when checkbox is checked.

Bootstrap Checkbox

These checkboxes and radio buttons are slightly customized to change colors, shapes and styles.


Use .checkbox-* class to apply different colors.


Use .rounded-chk class to make checkboxes rounded.


Use .classic-chk class to make checkboxes squares.

Bootstrap Radio


Use .radio-* class to apply different colors.


Use .square-radio class to make radio squares.