<div class="n-chk"> <label class="new-control new-radio square-radio new-radio-text radio-primary"> <input type="radio" class="new-control-input" name="custom-radio-6"> <span class="new-control-indicator"></span><span class="new-radio-content">Primary</span> </label> </div>
Use .dropup
class to open dropdown menu in upward direction.
Use .dropright
class to open dropdown menu in right direction.
Use .dropleft
class to open dropdown menu in left direction.
Small Button
Use .btn-sm
class to make small button dropdown menu.
Large Button
Use .btn-lg
class to make large button dropdown menu.
Grouped Dropdown Buttons
Use .btn-group
class to make group buttons.
<div class="n-chk"> <label class="new-control new-radio square-radio new-radio-text radio-primary"> <input type="radio" class="new-control-input" name="custom-radio-6"> <span class="new-control-indicator"></span><span class="new-radio-content">Primary</span> </label> </div>
<div class="n-chk"> <label class="new-control new-radio square-radio new-radio-text radio-primary"> <input type="radio" class="new-control-input" name="custom-radio-6"> <span class="new-control-indicator"></span><span class="new-radio-content">Primary</span> </label> </div>
Custom Dropdown
Use .custom-dropdown
class on div
tag of a dropdown .
<div class="n-chk"> <label class="new-control new-radio square-radio new-radio-text radio-primary"> <input type="radio" class="new-control-input" name="custom-radio-6"> <span class="new-control-indicator"></span><span class="new-radio-content">Primary</span> </label> </div>
© 2021 DesignReset
Coded with

Alan Green
Lead Developer
Launch New Seo Wordpress Theme has been moved to Completed Board by Alma Clark
New Task is added by Ernest Reeves
Dinner with Kelly Young has been moved to Completed Board by Dale Butler
Event Notifications
New Event has been added on 15 Dec 2020
Collect documents from Kelly at the restaurant tommorrow.
Meeting Event on 12 Nov has been updated to 8 PM
New Event Seminar organised by Design Reset will be held on 25 January
Today's Conference is Cancelled.
Meeting with Project Lead on 01 Jan has been updated to 15 Jan