
v3.0.0 Major Update

Feb 27, 2024

Newly Added
  • Bootstrap 5.3.x
  • Layout - Collapsible Menu
  • RTL Version of all DEMOS
  • Table color classes
  • Table text color classes
  • Form input text color classes
  • Datatable color classes
  • Popover arrow color classes
  • Real Estate Dashboard
  • Web App Layout


August 14, 2023

Newly Added
  • Widgets alignment and color issues issues


August 06, 2023

Newly Added

v2.0.0 Major Update

August 05, 2023

Equation Admin Template is updated to Bootstrap 5.x

Newly Added
  • Folders Structure Changed
  • Dashboard - Analytics
  • Dashboard - Sales
  • Dashboard - Real Estate
  • Added Dark and Light Toggle
  • Added Mousetrap.js for ctrl+/ search function
  • Blog Section
  • Added Basic Timeline
  • Splide Carousel
  • Ecommerce Section
  • Flag Icons
  • FilePond - New Javascript File upload plugin
  • gLightbox - Gallery and Video Plugin
  • SelectBox Plugin
  • BS Stepper Wizard Plugin
  • Tagify Plugin
  • New Account Settings Design
  • New User Profile Design
  • New Object Parameters to control Dark/light, boxed full-width modes
  • New Contact Form Design
  • New Authentication Boxed Design
  • New Authentication Cover Design
  • New Error Design
  • Badges with Icons
  • Light Badges
  • New Breadcrumbs
  • Badges Dot
  • Buttons with Icons
  • New Tables Design
  • New Infobox Design
  • Light Buttons
  • Added New Cards Design
  • FullCalendar to v5.x.x
  • Re-Designed the sidebar menu and navigation menu Layout completely
  • Todo-List Design
  • Mailbox Design
  • Contacts Design
  • Notes Design
  • SweetAlerts2 to v11.x.x
  • List Group Design
  • Pricing Table Design
  • Alerts
  • Badges
  • Apex Chart to v3.x.x
  • Invoice - Add
  • Invoice - Preview
  • Invoice - Edit
  • Invoice - List
  • Invoice - Edit
  • Old Layouts

  • Components - Portlets
  • Components - Keypad
  • Components - Rating
  • Components - Block UI
  • Components - Popup
  • Components - Scrollspy
  • Components - LightBox
  • Components - Aniamtions
  • Components - Image Cropping

  • Editor - Tinymce
  • Editor - Quill
  • Editor - Markdown
  • Editor - ContentTools
  • Editor - Summernote

  • Tables - Tablesaw
  • Tables - Sticky Headers
  • Tables - Eiditable

  • Charts - amCharts
  • Charts - C3
  • Charts - CSS Plot
  • Charts - Morris
  • Charts - Flowcharts
  • Charts - jQuery Sparklines
  • Charts - eCharts
  • Charts - Chartist
  • Charts - Google

  • Maps - Google
  • Maps - jQuery Mapael
  • Maps - Jhere
  • Maps - OpenLayers
  • Maps - Vector

  • Apps - Mailbox with Chat
  • Apps - Newsletter
  • Apps - Scheduler
  • Apps - Calendar - Basic
  • Apps - Calendar - Basic
  • Apps - Calendar - Basic

  • Pages - Landing Page
  • Pages - Cookie Consent

  • Drag and Drop - Grid Stack
  • Drag and Drop - Dragula
  • Drag and Drop - jQuery UI

  • Elements - Steps
  • Elements - Lists
  • Elements - Ribbons
  • Elements - Overlays
  • Elements - Weather Apps
  • Elements - Testimonials
  • Elements - Team
  • Elements - Contacts
  • Elements - Blog Elements
  • Elements - Pricing Tables

  • Block UI - jQuery Plugin
  • CountDown - jQuery Plugin
  • Counter - jQuery Plugin
  • Session Timeout - jQuery Plugin
  • Bootstrap Select - jQuery Plugin
  • Select2 - jQuery Plugin
  • Step Wizard - jQuery Plugin
  • Typeahead - jQuery Plugin
  • Jvector Maps - jQuery Plugin
  • File Upload with Preview - jQuery Plugin
  • Photoswipe - Lightbox Plugin
  • Old Checkbox and Radio - Made with custom coding