<div class="profile-image"> <!-- // The classic file input element we'll enhance // to a file pond, we moved the configuration // properties to JavaScript --> <div class="img-uploader-content"> <input type="file" class="filepond" name="filepond" accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif"/> </div> </div>
/** * ================== * Single File Upload * ================== */ // We register the plugins required to do // image previews, cropping, resizing, etc. FilePond.registerPlugin( FilePondPluginFileValidateType, FilePondPluginImageExifOrientation, FilePondPluginImagePreview, FilePondPluginImageCrop, FilePondPluginImageResize, FilePondPluginImageTransform, // FilePondPluginImageEdit ); // Select the file input and use // create() to turn it into a pond FilePond.create( document.querySelector('.filepond'), { // labelIdle: `<span class="no-image-placeholder"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-user"><path d="M20 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H8a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2"></path><circle cx="12" cy="7" r="4"></circle></svg></span> <p class="drag-para">Drag & Drop your picture or <span class="filepond--label-action" tabindex="0">Browse</span></p>`, imagePreviewHeight: 170, imageCropAspectRatio: '1:1', imageResizeTargetWidth: 200, imageResizeTargetHeight: 200, stylePanelLayout: 'compact circle', styleLoadIndicatorPosition: 'center bottom', styleProgressIndicatorPosition: 'right bottom', styleButtonRemoveItemPosition: 'left bottom', styleButtonProcessItemPosition: 'right bottom', files: [ { // the server file reference source: './assets/img/drag-1.jpeg', // set type to limbo to tell FilePond this is a temp file options: { type: 'image/png', }, }, ], } );
<div class="multiple-file-upload"> <input type="file" class="filepond file-upload-multiple" name="filepond" multiple data-allow-reorder="true" data-max-file-size="3MB" data-max-files="3"> </div>
/** * ==================== * Multiple File Upload * ==================== */ // We want to preview images, so we register // the Image Preview plugin, We also register // exif orientation (to correct mobile image // orientation) and size validation, to prevent // large files from being added FilePond.registerPlugin( FilePondPluginImagePreview, FilePondPluginImageExifOrientation, FilePondPluginFileValidateSize, // FilePondPluginImageEdit ); // Select the file input and use // create() to turn it into a pond FilePond.create( document.querySelector('.file-upload-multiple') );
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