
  1. profile
  2. profile Mary McDonald has changed 2 attributes on May 21, 2022
  3. profile Linda Park moved Eric Lubin to Technical Test on May 20, 2022
  4. profile Daisy Anderson commented on May 20, 2022

    I've sent him the assignment we discussed recently, he is coming back to us this week. Regarding to our last call, I really enjoyed talking to him and so far he has the profile we are looking for. Can't wait to see his technical test, I'll keep you posted and we'll debrief it all together!

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<p class="t-time">10:00</p>
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<p>Updated Server Logs</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">25 mins ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">12:45</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-success">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Backup Files EOD</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">2 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">14:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-warning">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Send Mail to HR and Admin</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">4 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">16:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-info">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Conference call with Marketing Manager.</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">6 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">17:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-danger">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Collected documents from <a href="javascript:void(0);">Sara</a></p>
<p class="t-meta-time">9 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">16:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-dark">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Server rebooted successfully</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">8 hrs ago</p>




Updated Server Logs

25 mins ago


Backup Files EOD

2 hrs ago


Send Mail to HR and Admin

4 hrs ago


Conference call with Marketing Manager.

6 hrs ago


Collected documents from Sara

9 hrs ago


Server rebooted successfully

8 hrs ago

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<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">10:00</p>
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<p>Updated Server Logs</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">25 mins ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">12:45</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-success">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Backup Files EOD</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">2 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">14:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-warning">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Send Mail to HR and Admin</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">4 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">16:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-info">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Conference call with Marketing Manager.</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">6 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">17:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-danger">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Collected documents from <a href="javascript:void(0);">Sara</a></p>
<p class="t-meta-time">9 hrs ago</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<p class="t-time">16:00</p>
<div class="t-dot t-dot-dark">
<div class="t-text">
<p>Server rebooted successfully</p>
<p class="t-meta-time">8 hrs ago</p>


With Images



25 mins ago

Conference call with Marketing Manager.



2 hrs ago

Server rebooted successfully



4 hrs ago

Backup Files EOD



6 hrs ago

Collected documents from Sara



9 hrs ago

PDF file Download

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<div class="t-time">
<p class="">09:00</p>
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<div class="t-meta-time">
<p class="">25 mins ago</p>

<div class="t-text">
<p>Conference call with Marketing Manager.</p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<div class="t-time">
<p class="">10:00</p>
<div class="t-usr-txt">
<div class="t-meta-time">
<p class="">2 hrs ago</p>

<div class="t-text">
<p>Server rebooted successfully</p>

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<div class="t-time">
<p class="">11:00</p>
<div class="t-img">
<img src="">
<div class="t-meta-time">
<p class="">4 hrs ago</p>

<div class="t-text">
<p>Backup Files EOD</p>

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<div class="t-time">
<p class="">12:00</p>
<div class="t-img">
<img src="">
<div class="t-meta-time">
<p class="">6 hrs ago</p>

<div class="t-text">
<p>Collected documents from <a href="javascript:void(0);">Sara</a></p>

<div class="item-timeline">
<div class="t-time">
<p class="">14:00</p>
<div class="t-usr-txt">
<div class="t-meta-time">
<p class="">9 hrs ago</p>

<div class="t-text">
<p>PDF file Download</p>



  • timeline

    Front-End Framework

    Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.

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  • timeline

    Web Development

    Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.

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  • timeline

    Theme Development

    Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.

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  • timeline

    Plugin Development

    Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.

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<div class="modern-timeline-body">
    <h4 class="mb-4">Front-End Framework</h4>
    <p class="mb-4">Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.</p>
    <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-outline-primary mt-2">Read more</a></p>
<div class="modern-timeline-badge"></div>
<div class="modern-timeline-panel">
<div class="modern-timeline-preview"><img src="" alt="timeline"></div>
<div class="modern-timeline-body">
    <h4 class="mb-4">Web Development</h4>
    <p class="mb-4">Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.</p>
    <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-outline-primary mt-2">Read more</a></p>
<div class="modern-timeline-badge"></div>
<div class="modern-timeline-panel">
<div class="modern-timeline-preview"><img src="" alt="timeline"></div>
<div class="modern-timeline-body">
    <h4 class="mb-4">Theme Development</h4>
    <p class="mb-4">Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.</p>
    <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-outline-primary mt-2">Read more</a></p>
<div class="modern-timeline-badge"></div>
<div class="modern-timeline-panel">
<div class="modern-timeline-preview"><img src="" alt="timeline"></div>
<div class="modern-timeline-body">
    <h4 class="mb-4">Plugin Development</h4>
    <p class="mb-4">Map where your photos were taken and discover local points of interest. Map where your photos. Map where your photos were taken and discover.</p>
    <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-outline-primary mt-2">Read more</a></p>
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Laurie Fox

5 sec

Trending Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Justin Cross

45 min

Nature Photography

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Sonia Shaw

2 hr

Create new Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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<h4>Laurie Fox</h4>
<p class="meta-time-date">5 sec</p>
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    <h6 class="">Trending Style</h6>
    <p class="post-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
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<h4>Justin Cross</h4>
<p class="meta-time-date">45 min</p>
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    <h6 class="">Nature Photography</h6>
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<h4>Sonia Shaw</h4>
<p class="meta-time-date">2 hr</p>
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