To start development from scratch, you need to create a new blade file inside the resources/view/ and add the snippet mentioned below
{{‐‐ Style Here ‐‐}} // All the SCSS or CSS goes here
{{‐‐ Content Here ‐‐}} // Content goes here
{{‐‐ Scripts Here ‐‐}} // All the script goes here
Now, create your own route in web.php.
Below is the snippet for the your route
Route::get('/route‐name', function () {
return view('[your blade file path]',
'catName' => '[category of the route]', // category can be anything such dashboard, apps, pages, etc ( Note:‐ Category name is for adding the active class for sidebar)
'title' => '[Page Title]', // Page Title
"breadcrumbs" => ["Main", "Submenu 1", "Submenu 1"], // Array for Breadcrumbs
'simplePage' => 0 // To create pages without sidebar and topbar such as Error, Maintainance, Auth pages
'scrollspy' => 0, // Always be 0. Ignore it.