Folder Structure

This part of the documentation will help you understand the page structure.

Main Package

├── cork-v4.0
    └── Documentation
    └── HTML
    └── Laravel
    └── Tools


Let's dive into HTML folder and explore it in depth.

├── HTML                    -> Contains the HTML version of CORK ADMIN
    ├── vertical-dark-menu
    ├── vertical-light-menu
    ├── collapsible-menu
    └── layouts
    └── scss
    └── src

Now, folder contains several different folder and files. So, now let's explore them one by one

1. vertical-dark-menu Folder

Contains all the HTML files of the pages and starter kit folder.

├── vertical-dark-menu                                       -> HTML Files
    ├── starter-kit                             -> Contains Starter Kit
    ├── app-*.html                              -> All Application Files
    ├── auth-*.html                             -> All Authedication Files
    ├── charts.html                             -> Charts
    ├── component-*.html                        -> All Components Files
    ├── element-*.html                          -> All Elements Files
    ├── form-*.html                             -> All Form Files
    ├── index.html                              -> Default Dashboard
    ├── index2.html                             -> Secondary Dashboard
    ├── layout-*.html                           -> All Layouts Files
    ├── map.html                                -> Maps
    ├── pages-*.html                            -> All Pages Files
    ├── table-*.html                            -> All Tables Files
    ├── user-*.html                             -> All User Files
    └── widgets.html                            -> Widgets

2. src Folder

Contains all the source HTML files of the pages and starter kit folder.

├── src                                         -> Contains all the Source Files 
    ├── assets                                  -> Contains all the CSS, Images and JS 
    |   ├── css
    |   ├── img
    |   └── js
    ├── bootstrap                               -> Bootstrap Framework
    └── plugins                                 -> All the plugins CSS and JS including Custom files
        ├── css
        └── src

3. scss Folder

Contains all the SCSS files

├── scss                                        -> Sass Files
    ├── dark                                    -> All Dark assets and plugins SCSS
    |   ├── assets
    |   ├── base
    |   └── plugin
    ├── layouts                                 -> All the LAYOUTS SCSS
    └── light                                   -> All Light assets and plugins SCSS
        ├── assets
        ├── base
        └── plugin

4. layouts Folder

Contains all each layout CSS and JS

├── layouts                                       -> Layout CSS and JS
    └── vertical-dark-menu
        ├── css
        |   ├── dark
        |   └── light
        ├── app.js
        └── loader.js

Inside vertical-dark-menu Folder

├── HTML
|   ├── vertical-dark-menu                           -> HTML Files
|   |    |
|   |    ├── starter-kit                             -> Contains Starter Kit
|   |    |
|   |    ├── app-*.html                              -> All Application Files
|   |    ├── auth-*.html                             -> All Authedication Files
|   |    ├── charts.html                             -> Charts
|   |    ├── component-*.html                        -> All Components Files
|   |    ├── element-*.html                          -> All Elements Files
|   |    ├── form-*.html                             -> All Form Files
|   |    ├── index.html                              -> Default Dashboard
|   |    ├── index2.html                             -> Secondary Dashboard
|   |    ├── layout-*.html                           -> All Layouts Files
|   |    ├── map.html                                -> Maps
|   |    ├── pages-*.html                            -> All Pages Files
|   |    ├── table-*.html                            -> All Tables Files
|   |    ├── user-*.html                             -> All User Files
|   |    └── widgets.html                            -> Widgets
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   ├── src                                         -> Contains all the Source Files
|   |    ├── assets                                 -> Contains all the CSS, Images and JS 
|   |    |   ├── css
|   |    |   ├── img
|   |    |   └── js
|   |    |
|   |    ├── bootstrap                               -> Bootstrap Framework
|   |    |
|   |    └── plugins                                 -> All the plugins CSS and JS including Custom files
|   |        ├── css
|   |        └── src
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   ├── scss                                         -> Sass Files
|   |    ├── dark                                    -> All Dark assets and plugins SCSS
|   |    |   ├── assets
|   |    |   ├── base
|   |    |   └── plugin
|   |    |
|   |    ├── layouts                                 -> All the LAYOUTS SCSS
|   |    |
|   |    └── light                                   -> All Light assets and plugins SCSS
|   |        ├── assets
|   |        ├── base
|   |        └── plugin
|   |    
|   |    
|   |    
|   └── layouts                                       -> Layout CSS and JS
|       └── vertical-dark-menu
|           ├── css
|           |   ├── dark
|           |   └── light
|           |
|           ├── app.js
|           └── loader.js
└── tools
    ├── gulpfile.js
    ├── package.json
    └── package-lock.json

So, mentioned above is the full structre of demo x


It contains compilation tools folders.

Inside this folder there are 3 Major files.

  • gulpfile.js
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json

Below is the folder structure of tools folder.

└── tools
    ├── gulpfile.js
    ├── package.json
    └── package-lock.json