Installation Process

The following process will be used to install admin dashboard using package manager

1. Install Composer : Please install latest version of Composer from

2. Laravel : Create laravel project.

Although if you have an existing Laravel running project, then you can skip this step.

Note:- The Laravel project should be created in a localhost folder (such as htdocs, www, etc).

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project_name

3. Run Authentication Command

composer require laravel/ui

4. After, all the above steps are completed. Extract the CORK ADMIN purchased file.

5. You will see the folder structure inside each demo. Kindly refer the following link file structure

6. Copy all the folders and files (such as public, resources, routes, stroage, webpack.mix.js). Replace them inside the project which we have created in point no. 2

7. After replacing all important files.

8. Follow these optional steps.


a. Change Database name inside .env file.


b. Upload the SQL file to the Database.

Note:- Make sure that you have alreardy created the database before uploading the SQL file.


a. Access Command Prompt : Open command prompt.

b. Migrate Database : Run - php artisan migrate command to create login datatables.

c. Use Tinker to create login access.

Note:- The login access can be created as per your need.

9. Once you are logged in successfully. You can start further development.